90年代後半から、DJし始めて間もない頃からのカリスマ USAのBeat Junkies。 全員最強なDJだけど今回はその中から
HIP HOP DJから生まれた2枚同じ曲を使った2枚使い。キレのあるscratch。 HIP HOPマナーに基づいてまさに教科書です。
90年代のHIP HOP好きな人、DJスキルを上げたい方は今一度この人のPLAYを観て欲しいです。
IGTVでもATCQのquick mixをアップしてるのを見たけどmixが丁寧で随所にテクニックが散りばめられており、未だにHIP HOP DJのお手本になる動画です。
インスタ @okayama_dj_school でもちょくちょくアップしていこうと思います。
DJ feature that I was influenced. Beat Junkies of Charisma USA since the late 1990s, when I started DJing. Even though all the strongest DJs, but from this time
@ djmelod
Two copies using the same songs born from HIP HOP DJ. Scratch with crisp. It is just textbooks based on HIP HOP manners.
People who like HIP HOP in the 1990s, those who want to raise DJ skills want to see this person's PLAY once again.
Even IGTV saw ATCQ's quick mix up, but mix is polite and techniques are scattered everywhere, still a movie that will become a model of HIP HOP DJ.
I am planning to upload it regularly though @okayama_dj_school.