自分が影響受けたDJ特集。HIP HOP好きな人なら一度は聞いたことがあるフレーズ。scratch
@djqbert だと思います。今DJでscratch好きな人で知らない人はモグリです笑。 10年前位?にも岡山のClubに来た時に数分ですがscratchさせてもらったのはいい思い出‼️ scratchも本当に色々な技があって彼によって開発されており、色々な著名な全世界のDJも参考にしてます。彼はscratch界のレジェンドです。
DJ feature that I was influenced. If you like HIP HOP, you've heard that phrase once. scratch
The technique of rubbing scratch records from the 1980s was invented but those who influenced the entire world are unquestionable
I think that @ djqbert. A person who does not know it with DJ scratch likes people is a bitter smile. Ten years ago? When I came to Okayama 's Club, it was a few minutes, but it was a good memory to have scratch! ️ scratch also has various tricks and has been developed by him, and I also refer to various prominent world DJs. He is a legend in the scratch world